Images ➜ Црква 2

Ljubomir Ivanović#

Ljubomir Ivanović (1882-1945) was an extraordinarily talented painter. He worked as a drawing teacher at the School of Art, professor of graphics at the Academy of Fine Arts and, since 1922, he was also a corresponding member of the Serbian Royal Academy. The NBS Collection of Graphic Arts contains around 150 of his drawings and graphic works.#

URN URN:NB:RS:SD_4E2326300F649E7828CBDDD5616B5F99
TitleЦрква 2
AuthorИвановић, Љубомир
Publication year193?
Physical description1 цртеж
23 x 32 cm
DescriptionИз серије од 19 цртежа, коришћених као илустрације уз текстове у дневним новинама Политика.
SubjectИвановић, Љубомир (1882-1945)
COBISS-SR. ID156846860


See also

Montréal 1976

II камермузички концерт : Јован Зорко и Трио Слатин

Београд : Калимегдан : Kalimegdan

Beograd : Terazije

Топчидер : Гардијски дом : Casino des officiers de la garde royale
