Карте ➜ A new Generall Map of the Seat of War from Vpper Hungary to the Isle of Candia : With Exact Prospects of Napoli di Romania, Modon Navarin, in the Morea, and the Bridge of Essecke before it was Burnt

НасловA new Generall Map of the Seat of War from Vpper Hungary to the Isle of Candia : With Exact Prospects of Napoli di Romania, Modon Navarin, in the Morea, and the Bridge of Essecke before it was Burnt
Година издавања1699?
Издавач Philip Lea, London
Место настанкаLondon
Физички опис1 geogr. karta
55 x 55 cm
Опис1:5 000 000
Iznad karte nalaze se 3 vedute.
Предметна одредницаМађарска
Балканско полуострво
Право коришћења
COBISS-SR. ID31720204

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